Difference Between Mumps and Glandular Fever

QuestionsCategory: Difference BetweenDifference Between Mumps and Glandular Fever
Biology Ease Staff asked 2 years ago
Mumps Glandular Fever (Infectious Mononucleosis)
Causative Agent Mumps virus Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
Transmission Respiratory droplets, direct contact with infected person Saliva, close contact with infected person
Incubation Period 12-25 days 4-6 weeks
Common Symptoms Swelling of salivary glands (parotitis), fever, headache, muscle aches Sore throat, fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes
Other Associated Symptoms Loss of appetite, difficulty chewing or swallowing Fatigue, malaise, enlarged spleen
Complications Orchitis (testicular inflammation) in males, meningitis, encephalitis Splenic rupture (rare), hepatitis, anemia
Diagnostic Tests Clinical examination, detection of viral RNA or antibodies in saliva or blood Blood tests (e.g., monospot test, EBV-specific antibodies)
Treatment Supportive care (rest, fluids, pain relievers) Supportive care, rest, symptom management
Contagious Period 2 days before to 5 days after onset of parotitis Several weeks to months (can remain contagious)
Prevention MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) Avoiding close contact with infected individuals, practicing good hygiene
Post-Infection Immunity Lifelong immunity against mumps Lifelong immunity against the specific strain of EBV
Common Age Group Affected Children and young adults Adolescents and young adults
Geographic Distribution Worldwide Worldwide
School/Work Exclusion Policies Typically excluded from school until swelling subsides and no fever May need to avoid strenuous activities, depending on symptoms
Prognosis Generally good, most cases resolve without complications Generally good, but recovery may take several weeks