Difference Between Paraplegia and Tetraplegia

QuestionsCategory: Difference BetweenDifference Between Paraplegia and Tetraplegia
Biology Ease Staff asked 2 years ago
Paraplegia Tetraplegia (Quadriplegia)
Definition Paralysis of the lower limbs and lower trunk Paralysis of both the upper and lower limbs
Extent of Paralysis Involves the legs, hips, and sometimes parts of the trunk Involves the arms, legs, trunk, and pelvic organs
Motor Function Impaired or lost function in the lower body muscles Impaired or lost function in both upper and lower body muscles
Sensory Function Sensation may be affected or lost below the level of injury Sensation may be affected or lost below the level of injury
Level of Injury Typically caused by spinal cord injury at thoracic or lumbar regions Typically caused by spinal cord injury at cervical (neck) region
Upper Limb Function Generally unaffected or minimally affected Impaired or lost function in the upper limbs
Lower Limb Function Impaired or lost function in the lower limbs Impaired or lost function in the lower limbs
Trunk Function Trunk control may be partially preserved Trunk control may be limited or absent
Bladder and Bowel Control May retain some degree of control May experience loss of bladder and bowel control
Respiratory Function Usually unaffected May experience respiratory complications depending on the level of injury
Assistive Devices Can potentially use a wheelchair for mobility May require a power wheelchair or assistive devices for mobility
Rehabilitation Needs Focuses on lower limb function, mobility, and independence Focuses on upper limb function, trunk stability, mobility, and independence
Emotional Impact Individual’s emotional response may vary May experience additional emotional challenges due to loss of upper limb function
Prognosis Depends on the underlying cause and level of injury Depends on the underlying cause and level of injury