Subkingdom: Mycota
Division: Eumycota
Sub-division: Mastigomycotina
- G.C. Ainsworth’s system of classification includes Mastigomycotina which is a subdivision under Eumycota.
- It is known to be the first subdivision under eumycota.
- It is a motile fungus.
- These consist of large heterogenous fungi
- 75000 species have been reported under this category.
- These are majorly known by the presence of motile flagellated spores called zoospores (spores which show motility). This feature is unique to this subdivision known as zoosporic fungi.
There are 3 types of zoospores.

- Single Anterior flagellum- Tinsel type
- Single Posterior flagellum – Whiplash type
- Biflagellated zoospore (Reniform or kidney-shaped) – Anterior Tinsel type and posterior whiplash-type
General Characteristics
- They have aseptate and coenocytic mycelium
- The septae formation may take place in old hyphae during the reproductive stage.
- The cell wall is made up of chitin and cellulose
- The protoplast is vacuolated and has numerous nuclei
- The protoplasm have oil droplets that act as food reserves
- The reproduction may be vegetative, sexual, and asexual.
- They may be saprophytic, parasitic
- These are found in a variety of habitats such as Aquatic habitat, freshwater or marine, and soil
- The aquation fungi are known as water molds.
- They live either saprophyte on plant/animal debris or parasite on algae, fungi, and plants
- A few species live on the damp soil and these survive as saprophytes and may be responsible for few diseases like root rot
- A few are responsible for destructive diseases in plants/crops.
These are further subdivided into 4 classes based on the type of flagellum, the position of the flagellum, and the number of flagellum attached.
- Chytridiomycets- Single Posterior flagellum – Whiplash type, aquatic, parasitic or saprophytic in nature
- Hypochytridiomycetes- Single Anterior flagellum- Tinsel type, aquatic or terrestrial, parasitic in nature
- Oomycetes- Biflagellated zoospore- Anterior Tinsel type and posterior whiplash-type, freshwater or marine water, saprophytic or parasitic in nature
- Plasmodiophoromycetes– Biflagellated zoospore- Anterior Tinsel type and posterior whiplash-type, aquatic or marine, parasitic in nature
The reproduction may be vegetative, asexual or sexual.
- Fragmentation- The vegetative mycelium or hyphae break into several fragments that have the capability to grow into new mycelium under favorable conditions.
- Clamadospores- Hyphal tips are mostly swollen and they get separated by a septum and then germinate to form mycelium.
Asexual Reproduction
- Through Zoospores- ie. the difference is by type of flagellum, the position of the flagellum, and a number of flagellum attached. uniflagellate posterior type or uniflagellate tinsel type or biflagellated.
Sexual Reproduction
- Gametic Copulation or Planogametic copulation involves the fusion of two naked gametes
- Gametangium Copulation– The conjugation between the gametangia that leads to protoplasm fusion and ultimately nucleus forming spores.
- Gametangial contact– The conjugation tube is formed between the gametangia and the transfer of nucleus tales place leading to meiosis and formation of spores that form new hyphae.
Economic Importance
- Chytrids cause wart disease of potato, wart diseases in roots of crucifers, crown wart of alfalfa, a brown spot of maize,
- Oomycetes are responsible for late blight of potato, downy mildew, damping-off, fruit rot(Pythium species), footrot (Pythium species), white rust (Albugo),
- Few have been reported as biocontrol agents.
- Hypochytrids form an important group in marine or freshwater biodiversity.
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