Biology MCQs for NEET Quiz 3

1. Which of the following is an example of a monosaccharide?
a) Glucose
b) Sucrose
c) Lactose
d) Maltose

2. What is the function of the tympanic membrane (eardrum)?
a) Transmitting sound waves to the cochlea
b) Balancing pressure in the ear
c) Producing earwax
d) Detecting light intensity

3. Which process involves the movement of substances against their concentration gradient with the help of energy?
a) Diffusion
b) Osmosis
c) Active transport
d) Filtration

4. Which of the following is responsible for the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide in cells?
a) Catalase
b) Amylase
c) Lipase
d) Pepsin

5. What is the primary function of the nephron in the kidney?
a) Absorption of nutrients
b) Filtration of blood and urine formation
c) Production of red blood cells
d) Storage of urine

6. Which of the following is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that helps the body respond to stress?
a) Insulin
b) Estrogen
c) Cortisol
d) Thyroxine

7. Which process involves the movement of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane from an area of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration?
a) Diffusion
b) Osmosis
c) Active transport
d) Endocytosis

8. What is the purpose of the trachea in the respiratory system?
a) Gas exchange
b) Producing mucus
c) Storing air
d) Conducting air to and from the lungs

9. Which of the following is a function of the immune system?
a) Producing insulin
b) Regulating blood pressure
c) Fighting infections and diseases
d) Breaking down food particles

10. What is the name of the process by which plants bend or grow toward a light source?
a) Gravitropism
b) Phototropism
c) Hydrotropism
d) Thigmotropism

11. Which blood vessels have the thinnest walls and allow for the exchange of substances between blood and body tissues?
a) Veins
b) Arteries
c) Capillaries
d) Aorta

12. What is the function of the gallbladder in the digestive system?
a) Producing bile
b) Storing bile
c) Absorbing nutrients
d) Breaking down proteins

13. Which of the following is a function of the large intestine (colon)?
a) Nutrient absorption
b) Digestion of fats
c) Water absorption and waste elimination
d) Production of enzymes

14. Which organelle is responsible for recycling and breaking down cellular waste?
a) Mitochondria
b) Nucleus
c) Lysosome
d) Golgi apparatus

15. Which of the following is a type of joint that allows for movement in multiple directions and has the highest range of motion?
a) Hinge joint
b) Ball-and-socket joint
c) Pivot joint
d) Fixed joint

16. What is the function of the ciliary muscles in the eye?
a) Detecting light intensity
b) Focusing light onto the retina
c) Transmitting visual signals to the brain
d) Producing tears

17. Which of the following is a disorder caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, leading to weak and brittle bones?
a) Rickets
b) Scurvy
c) Beriberi
d) Pellagra

18. What is the purpose of the myelin sheath in nerve cells?
a) Transmitting electrical signals
b) Producing neurotransmitters
c) Storing energy
d) Regulating body temperature

19. Which hormone is responsible for controlling the sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythms?
a) Melatonin
b) Estrogen
c) Testosterone
d) Insulin

20. What is the function of the centrioles in animal cells during cell division?
a) Production of ATP
b) Synthesis of proteins
c) Formation of spindle fibers
d) Storage of genetic material

21. Which of the following is a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is harmed?
a) Mutualism
b) Commensalism
c) Parasitism
d) Competition

22. Which structure is responsible for filtering blood and removing waste products in the urinary system?
a) Kidneys
b) Ureters
c) Bladder
d) Urethra

23. What is the function of the mucus lining in the stomach?
a) Digesting proteins
b) Producing enzymes
c) Protecting the stomach lining from acidic contents
d) Absorbing nutrients

24. Which of the following is a hormone produced by the ovaries and plays a role in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy?
a) Progesterone
b) Testosterone
c) Thyroxine
d) Insulin

25. What is the process by which plants lose water vapor through small pores on their leaves?
a) Transpiration
b) Respiration
c) Photosynthesis
d) Evaporation

26. Which of the following is a genetic disorder characterized by a lack of melanin production, resulting in white skin, hair, and eyes?
a) Albinism
b) Hemophilia
c) Down syndrome
d) Cystic fibrosis

27. What is the role of the pituitary gland in the endocrine system?
a) Producing insulin
b) Regulating blood pressure
c) Secreting growth hormone
d) Storing bile

28. Which process involves the exchange of gases between the blood and the alveoli in the lungs?
a) Osmosis
b) Active transport
c) Diffusion
d) Filtration

29. What is the function of the placenta during pregnancy?
a) Producing hormones
b) Providing nutrients and oxygen to the fetus
c) Regulating body temperature
d) Producing milk for breastfeeding

30. Which of the following is a type of genetic mutation that involves the loss of a segment of DNA?
a) Deletion
b) Insertion
c) Substitution
d) Duplication


1. a) Glucose
2. a) Transmitting sound waves to the cochlea
3. c) Active transport
4. a) Catalase
5. b) Filtration of blood and urine formation
6. c) Cortisol
7. b) Osmosis
8. d) Conducting air to and from the lungs
9. c) Fighting infections and diseases
10. b) Phototropism
11. c) Capillaries
12. b) Storing bile
13. c) Water absorption and waste elimination
14. c) Lysosome
15. b) Ball-and-socket joint
16. b) Focusing light onto the retina
17. a) Rickets
18. a) Transmitting electrical signals
19. a) Melatonin
20. c) Formation of spindle fibers
21. c) Parasitism
22. a) Kidneys
23. c) Protecting the stomach lining from acidic contents
24. a) Progesterone
25. a) Transpiration
26. a) Albinism
27. c) Secreting growth hormone
28. c) Diffusion
29. b) Providing nutrients and oxygen to the fetus
30. a) Deletion

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