Characteristics of microbes in industrial-microbiology
Characteristics of microbes in industrial-microbiology Microorganisms which are used for industrial production must meet certain requirements including those …
Characteristics of microbes in industrial-microbiology Microorganisms which are used for industrial production must meet certain requirements including those …
Virulence factors of Bacteria Pathogenicity is referred to as the ability of microbial species to produce disease and …
Infectious diseases Infectious Diseases are infections or disorders caused by microorganisms. The microorganisms can be broadly divided into …
Osmoregulation Osmoregulation is concerned with the regulation of body fluid solute concentration in the animal and the maintenance …
The Protozoa ▶Features Type of organism Today the Protozoa are usually separated from the Animalia and are placed …
Introduction Methods of bacterial culture used in the clinical laboratory include streak culture, lawn culture, stroke culture, stab …
Sterilization: Physical and Chemical methods Sterilization, disinfection, antisepsis, asepsis, and chemotherapy refer to antimicrobial measures, which cause direct …