
QuestionsCategory: Questions
Difference between Zoospore and Oospore
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
1731 views0 answers3 votes
General charactertics of Genus Leuconostoc
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
423 views0 answers0 votes
Why are viruses resistant to antibiotics?
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
407 views0 answers0 votes
What is the role of protein in the body?
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
358 views0 answers0 votes
How was DNA replication discovered?
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
290 views0 answers0 votes
What is the difference between somatic and stem cells?
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
637 views0 answers0 votes
What is the function of a hydathode?
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
592 views0 answers-1 votes
What does 1 to 3 HPF pus cells mean?
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
1259 views0 answers-2 votes
What is the roles of protein in cells?
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
370 views0 answers0 votes
Why is mitochondria called semi autonomous?
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
1698 views0 answers-2 votes
LSTM cell and their functions?
Biology Ease asked 2 years ago • 
470 views0 answers0 votes